How it works:
Step Two
Customer rates their experience at your feedback funnel.
Step Three
The customers choice determines what happens next.
Step One
You request feedback with a card, sticker etc.
Customer scans it.
4+ stars
The customer is prompted to share a public review.
< 3 stars
The customer is prompted to send private feedback.
Get more positive reviews, leading to a higher star rating. Handle negative feedback privately, protecting your reputation. Setup in 24 hours.
Beat the bad reviews starting today!
Get more Reviews & beat the bad ones.
Keep negative feedback between you and your customer. Get more positive public reviews.
4+ stars
The customer is prompted to share a public review.
3 stars & under
The customer is prompted to send private feedback.
Step One
You request feedback with a card, sticker, poster, etc.
Customer scans it.
Step Two
Customer rates their experience at your feedback funnel.
Step Three
The customers choice determines what happens next.